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Car Insurance

Choose The Right Car Insurance

Car Insurance

Choose the Right Car Insurance

Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage

Protect your carwith our comprehensive insurance plans. Drive with confidence knowing you have the coverage you need.

Types of Car Insurance Coverage in Malaysia

In Malaysia, car insurance offers a range of coverage options, much like in many other countries.Here are the main types available:
This is the minimum legally required insurance in Malaysia. It covers liability for injury, death, or property damage caused by your vehicle to others. However, it does not cover your own vehicle’s damage or theft.
Often known as “comprehensive coverage,” this type provides coverage for both third-party liability and damage to your own vehicle. This includes accidents, theft, fire, and damage from natural disasters.
Similar to TPI, TPFT covers liability for injury, death, or property damage caused by your vehicle to others.
Additionally, TPFT provides coverage for fire damage to your vehicle and theft.
This is in compliance with Islamic principles of Takaful, offering coverage for both third-party liability and own vehicle damage.
This extends to injuries sustained by the pillion rider (passenger) on your motorcycle or scooter.
An optional add-on that provides protection against specific perils like flooding or landslides, which may not be covered under standard comprehensive insurance.
Car insurance providers in Malaysia offer various optional add-ons for riders, such as windscreen coverage, personal accident coverage, and enhanced coverage for named drivers.